Thursday, 30 March 2017

(Photos)Teen girls taking selfie at airstrip killed as plane wing strikes both across the head

Two teenage girls were killed in a freak accident as a plane struck their heads while they took selfies near an airstrip.

According to Mexican media. the horrific incident occurred when Nitzia Mendoza Corral, 18, and Clarissa Morquecho Miranda, 17, were standing inside a van at the back while recording a video selfie.

The video, which was taken in the north-central Mexican state of Chihuahua, showed a light aircraft coming into land.
Tragically, the girls failed to see the plane coming in time, before its wing struck them both in the head, causing immediate fatal injuries.
Nitzia had been studying law and Clarissa was in her last year of high school , Mexican media reported..

Some witnesses had asked the teens to get out of the vehicle because it was dangerous, they said, but the girls ignored the warnings.

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