Sunday, 9 April 2017

Wife tied noose around husband's neck, pulled him behind horse until he was dead

Olesya Kologrivaya, 30,wasb jailed for nine and a half years for cruel murder after a row over her lover who helped her hide body.She was found guilty of tying a noose around her husband's neck, and the other end of the rope to the horse's tail, then mounting and riding the animal across the snow some 500 metres, pulling her choking husband until he was dead.

Her lover, Maxim Zavoiskin, 28, then obeyed her instructions, and rode the horse further away from the scene of the argument, Burundukovo village in Novosibirsk region, dragging the body another 1 kilometre. He dumped it beside a road some 20 km from Kuybyshev town.

A security guard, Zavoiskin, married with a young child, was fined 45,000 roubles ($800) for concealing a serious crime, but not jailed.

At the time of the drink-fuelled row between Kologrivaya, her husband - who was not named in court reports - and Zavoiskin, the married couple had separated.

The murder was on New Year's Eve in 2015, but has been reported only now, following an appeal by both Kologrivaya and her lover.

Her sentence of nine and a half years was unaltered, his fine was slightly reduced from 50,000 roubles ($885).

Siberian Times

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