A saucy sea lion dragged a young girl underwater by her dress Saturday at Steveston Fisherman Wharf in Richmond, British Columbia, prior to her prompt rescue.
The video, captured by college student Michael Fujiwara,showed the sea mammal initially pop its head above water to survey the scene.
As a girl in a white dress kneels to observe, the animal thrusts half its body toward her before slinking back down.
“They were pretty shaken up,” Fujiwara said. “Her family were just in shock.”
The video, captured by college student Michael Fujiwara,showed the sea mammal initially pop its head above water to survey the scene.
As a girl in a white dress kneels to observe, the animal thrusts half its body toward her before slinking back down.
“It initially jumped up to the girl to read her I guess,” Fujiwara told CBC News.
“And then it came back up a second time, but this time grabbing the girl by the waist and dragging her down into the water.A man dived in almost immediately to retrieve the girl, who doesn’t appear to be injured.
“They were pretty shaken up,” Fujiwara said. “Her family were just in shock.”
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