Friday, 30 June 2017

Breastfeeding Mom Sues Colleagues For Filming Her While She Breastfed Her Baby

A woman has taken a male colleague to court, alleging he secretly filmed her as she expressed breast milk at her workplace.

The man, who works and has already been suspended by the University of Cape Town, in South Africa, is alleged to have done the creepy act by setting up a live link in a private room at the institution on June 13.

The woman who made this known via a blogpost stated how angry she was upon discovering the evil act as she can not understand how providing food for her baby was “sexualised in such a cowardly way.”

The man has been charged and further investigations are being carried out.

Western Cape police have confirmed that a case of crimen injuria — the intentional harming of someone’s dignity — is being investigated against the 38-year old university employee.

Local media quoted the mother sharing her “disgust” at the act.

She had been in what she thought was a “safe, locked space” expressing milk, when she noticed that she was being filmed.

“I’m disgusted that we live in a world where mothers, no matter how they choose to feed their children, are victimised for being vulnerable.”



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