Meeks’s wife Melissa, 38, says she had ‘no idea’ her 33-year-old husband was enjoying a liaison with Miss Green while ostensibly on a working trip to Turkey.
She told The Mail on Sunday that the picture left her feeling ‘humiliated’ and signalled an instant death knell for their eight-year marriage.Melissa says she has barely slept since learning of the affair when an Instagram user she did not know sent her the now infamous image of her husband kissing the heiress, with a note saying: ‘Look at this.’
Twisting her hands nervously, Melissa, who has lost half a stone through stress, said:
She told The Mail on Sunday that the picture left her feeling ‘humiliated’ and signalled an instant death knell for their eight-year marriage.Melissa says she has barely slept since learning of the affair when an Instagram user she did not know sent her the now infamous image of her husband kissing the heiress, with a note saying: ‘Look at this.’
Twisting her hands nervously, Melissa, who has lost half a stone through stress, said:
‘The first I learned of it was when I woke up and checked my phone.
‘Some random person I don’t know sent a direct message with the photograph of my husband kissing that woman.
‘I went into shock. I felt nauseated. It was like a bomb had gone off and my whole world had been blown apart.
‘I’d never heard of Chloe Green. I thought Jeremy was working.’
‘I know it takes two to tango but she knew he was married. To me, that’s unforgivable. My whole world has been torn apart by this. What do I tell our children? My heart is broken.
‘What sort of woman would do something like this to another woman? My marriage wasn’t perfect but I thought it could be saved, until this happened.
‘Of course I’m angry at her. What she did is unforgivable. And I’m angry at him too. What they did destroyed my entire world.
‘Did either of them think about the children and how this will affect them? They’re the innocent victims in this. And so am I.’
‘It’s all been so public. They weren’t even trying to be discreet. I’ve been publicly humiliated, which makes the pain so much worse.’
He told me, “I didn’t mean it to happen like this.” Those pictures will haunt me for ever.
‘He kept saying, “I’m sorry, you didn’t deserve this.” We talked about divorce. I told him I didn’t think the marriage could be saved. He agreed. The marriage is over.’On their marriage before the fame,Mellissa who married Jeremy within a year of meeting in 2008 said
I took my marriage vows seriously. I vowed to be there in sickness and health, good times and bad. When Jeremy went to jail for two years I stuck by him. I went to visit him, supported our family on my own, and sent money to him in jail. It never occurred to me to leave him. I believed him and I believed in him.She admits the marriage has been rocky lately.
‘People make mistakes early in life and can change. I was never worried about the tattoos or his history. The man I knew was kind and gentle. When the mugshot went viral I was proud. I saw it as an amazing opportunity for the family.’
‘Fame changed him. His head was turned. Sex sells. He’s a sexy guy and he didn’t want his wife there.
‘He started hanging out with celebrities. I wanted to be part of his world. We argued about it. He spent increasing amounts of time away from home and when he came home we rowed.’
‘We went through ups and downs. Did we discuss separating? Yes. But as far as I was concerned we were trying to make our marriage work.’As for Chloe Green, she says:
‘I don’t see what calling her names would achieve. I’m heartbroken. She knew he was married. That says enough. There’s no excuse.’
She has not spoken to her husband, who is staying with friends, since their doorstep row, adding: ‘I feel I’m going through a nightmare and will wake up and this will all be a bad dream.
‘I loved my husband – I still love him. I never imagined our marriage would end like this in such a humiliating way.’
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