To say I am beyond baffled that a person with a butt load of eagle shit mixed with monkey slime type of controversies still has time to think of dimwitted slurred up words to use against otherwise gods in their field, is an understatement, but again I am open to thinking you may just be testing your hands on comedy as it seems the road to music greatness for you, may just be closed.
First, you take on the persona of a child pulling tantrums and throwing weak punches at Orezi over hairstyle, hairstyle for chrissakes!! all cos of your disgusting need to remain in the news, however irrelevant that news. Thankfully and not so surprisingly, Orezi effortlessly slung you back to the pigsty you managed to crawl out from. This just shows the manual reset you got from Africa's biggest act Wizkid, just wasn't enough, yeah?
Despite your love for churning out musical abominations which we have somehow managed to forgive over the years with the hope that you would maybe focus on making good music or even backup vocals, you instead thought it wise to further highlight your insanity and desperation by spewing rubbish about people who can make and/or break you with just a tweet, I mean child, even if you have managed to ruin the reputation of every person who has had to do anything with you in the past, must you try your hands at bastardizing the little love just as insane minds as yours have left for you?
I get the need to try reviving your dwindling mojo supply, yes, this is important and for this you need a relevant collaborator in music, one who can wholeheartedly help harness whatever is left of your career, but of course this plan would seem stupid to you as the bunch you surround yourself with would rather go for the over-milked, sad, lame and downright stupid to-go PR stunt many have shamelessly employed over the years; 'come at someone bigger than you, hopefully he or she responds,' at least with this your ego isn't in the way, you know these people you have unluckily tried to slam are your 'daddies.'
So Dammy, you decided to insult an act who spent over a million on twitter a few months ago just blessing his fans, an act who has major deals in and out of the country, even if he doesn't get paid so much, still gets paid just about enough to buy your entire tiny career, refurbish it and then sell it out to make more money you could ever imagine if you had kept at it, like really child, how dare you?
You say he doesn't have a house, yeah? Let's assume he doesn't, but the house he pays rent for, I am certain, beats the one you imaginarily built or even bought, I'm right, yeah? Of course, I am.
Does Tekno, in any way look like Kcee or Skiibi, who derive joy in stealing like you? Really child? Or were you just not comfortable coming for people you know y'all practice the same trade, because really I just can't make anything out of your decision to come at Tekno?
To make things really simple enough for your assimilation;
Log on to
Search for Tekno, songs, collaborations, and achievements.
Log on to
Search Tekno, check his video views and compare them to yours, then maybe you'd be humble, and in case you find some words or achievements too difficult to understand, talk to one of your guys who may just be a tad bit intelligent than you, to explain.
If none like this exists in your crew, send a mail to me. [I'm assuming you know how to do this.]
Written by : Tope Delano
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