Saturday, 18 November 2017

Step down or we'll let them lynch you: Army warns Mugabe

Zimbabwe’s army told Robert Mugabe to resign or soldiers will step aside and let him be lynched in his mansion, a senior Zimbabwean figure has told MailOnline.

In an exclusive interview, Christopher Mutsvangwa, the chairman of the national war veterans’ association and a former Zanu-PF minister, revealed:

‘The army gave the dictator a message earlier today. Either he steps down or they will let the people in to his mansion to take him.
‘The army is threatening to unleash the people and let Mugabe be lynched. The generals said they will not shoot the people for him. Instead, they will abandon their posts and leave him to his fate.’
‘At first, the army was holding him prisoner. Now they are protecting him from the people.'

It comes as rumours spread that the 93-year-old dictator has already fled the country after hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets of Harare to demand that he stands down.

Robert Mugabe is 'shaken, tired and dejected' and has been desperately asking members of his family for advice about whether he should resign, one of the dictator's nephews told MailOnline, as rumours spread that he had gone missing from his mansion.

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