Tuesday 19 June 2018

Uber bans driver who kicked out lesbian couple for kissing


AN Uber driver who kicked a lesbian couple out of his cab for kissing month has been banned by the company.

Emma Pichl, 24, and Alex Iovine, 26, were at the Pig Beach bar in Gowanus, Brooklyn, New York, on Saturday evening when they hailed an Uber to take them to the city’s East Village.

“We got over the Manhattan Bridge into the city. We were sitting on opposite sides of the back seat. At one point we leaned over and pecked kiss, very fast,” Pichl told The New York Post on Monday.

Five minutes later, the driver, Ahmad El Boutari, “pulled the cab over and said, ‘You should not do that … do not do that,’” according to Pichl.

“He started yelling at us that we were disrespectful and inappropriate and that he wants us out of his car,” Pichl said. “We were going back and forth trying to understand.”

Uber has removed El Boutari’s access to its app, saying it does not tolerate discrimination. It said it is investigating.

The post Uber bans driver who kicked out lesbian couple for kissing appeared first on Miss Petite Nigeria Blog.


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