Monday, 24 September 2018

Photo of dad changing his son’s diaper in a public restroom goes viral

A father who was forced to do squats in order to change his son’s diaper in a public restroom says dads need changing tables too.

Donte Palmer, a high school teacher in Jacksonville, Fla., captioned an Instagram photo of him changing his son’s diaper in a restaurant bathroom.

Palmer, 31, tells Yahoo Lifestyle that the September 15th image reflects his daily routine with his three boys, ages 12, 7, and 1. “We had stopped at Texas Roadhouse for lunch and while my wife ordered food, my son Liam started fussing so I knew it was time for a diaper change,” he says. Enlisting the help of his eldest child Isaiah — whom Palmer calls his “diaper assistant” — the dad began the precarious task of changing the baby in the men’s bathroom.

“I usually lay Liam down on clothes I keep in the diaper bag or the bag itself, and Isaiah hands me wipes or throws out the dirty diaper,” explains Palmer. The father wasn’t aware that Isiah had snapped his photo but later, acknowledging the humor, he posted it online.

“People have commented that my wife is ‘lazy’ for not changing our baby’s diaper or that I could have changed him in the car but why should I?”

Instagram Photo


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