Sunday, 14 October 2018

7 ways to maximize your next weekend

What do you find yourself doing mostly on weekends? A lot of us approach weekends, seeing it as an opportunity to have long rest and fun.

While I agree that it should be the case for those who have worked very hard during the week, there are still some other things you can consider doing to fully maximize your weekends.

You  can make good use of your weekend rests and fun to give yourself a mental, emotional and physical edge.

Here Are 7 Ways To Maximize Your Next Weekend

1. Call family and friends 

Weekends are perfect time to catch up with your loved ones. Do you have a list of people you will like to catch up on? You may consider working out a schedule. And do like 5 persons per weekend. Consider ways you can achieve these without spending lots of money. Make good use of WhatsApp calls, social media platforms or just text messaging.

2Network. – People are very important investments in the long or medium term. Considering meeting one new important person this coming weekend would be great, if you have the opportunity to do so.

3. Clean up – What about giving attention to the already piled up dirty stuffs littering your room? Even if it would mean attending to them gradually. You may also consider Exercise, Sanitation, Laundry, Detox, anything.

4. Attend trainings – You may either participate in free seminars or paid trainings.Just like books, trainings can also come in different forms. There are quite some learning opportunities at weekends.

5. Read a book. –  Reading a book or devouring content either via text, video (YouTube) or audio is one great weekend learning tip. Isaac Newtøn Akah’s “Bathsheba” is such a great audio book to consider.

6. Sleep –  For those who especially works in Lagos, there is no better way to recover from the week’s madness and traffic stress, than sleeping. Get enough of it over the weekend if your body needs it.

7. Review the past week and plan the coming week.  Evaluating your week would help you keep track of your successes and failures. It helps you maximise time better during the week.

Are there other cool ways to maximise weekends you know about? Ones that worked for you?

Please share with us.

And have a Wonderful Week ahead.

The post 7 ways to maximize your next weekend appeared first on Miss Petite Nigeria Blog.

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