Wednesday, 10 October 2018

Meghan Markle’s Half-Sister Denies Being “Turned Away” From Kensington Palace

Meghan Markle’s sister Samantha was photographed  being turned away at the gates of Kensington Palace. However,she says that was not the case.

 In an interview with DailyMailTV yesterday, she said she’s not the type to get “turned away” from places.

“I wasn’t trying to crash anything. I’m very polite and respectful. I was not turned away from Kensington Palace. I’m pretty composed. I’m pretty mature. For all the PR and the public to say I was ‘demanding’ to see my sister? First of all, I’m not that tacky and rude-and I wouldn’t just show up,” she said.

She said the point of her visit was to deliver a letter to Meghan, and she described the note as an “olive branch” to her half-sister.

“I wanted to express the feelings of my father and myself in the letter. And I can’t say exactly what was in it. The world will just have to wait and see,” she said. “I really wanted the world-and really, my sister and the British royal family-to know what happened and know the truth about a lot of things.”

She then appealed to Meghan personally in the interview regarding the public perception of their father, saying

“Let’s just cut through all the crap. You’re a woman. Life is short. I believe you have it in your heart to do the right thing here. You know dad loves you. You know he’s been there for you more than anyone. So, don’t [believe] this public monster and misperception that he’s a ‘sperm donor dad’ trying to be involved all of a sudden.”

The post Meghan Markle’s Half-Sister Denies Being “Turned Away” From Kensington Palace appeared first on Miss Petite Nigeria Blog.

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