Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Woman paralyzed during sex was sleeping with married man


A beautician left paralysed when she was ‘catapulted’ from a super-king bed was having sex with a married millionaire at the time of the trauma accident.

Claire Busby, 46, is suing bedmakers Beds Are Uzzz for £1 million at the High Court in London after claiming the company’s defective product was to blame for her injuries.

The court heard she was performing a sex act on married lover John Marshall, 55, in her Surrey home at the time of the incident.

Mail Online reports Mr Marshall had been married to wife Sue, 48, for almost 20 years.

The couple, from Alloa, Scotland, had officially split just a few days before Mr Marshall’s ill-fated romp in August 2013.

Friends said the businessman’s family was left heartbroken when news of their relationship and Ms Busby’s injuries emerged.

One pal told Mail Online Mr Jackson left the family home to move to England and become Ms Busby’s carer but apparently returned three weeks later.He is now living with his third wife at a converted farmhouse near Stirling.

The friend said:

“It wasn’t only Claire Busby’s life that was ruined that day, the fall-out from that incident devastated a family.

“When Claire fell off the bed and broke her back John said he was moving down to Surrey to look after her, which left Sue very upset.”

When approached to respond to the claims, Mr Marshall said:

“When that incident happened we were separated, I was not with Susan at the time and I want to make that very clear. Susan and I separated in May and the incident happened in August.

“All this is dragging things up unnecessarily, my life is bad enough and so is Claire’s.”

On the accident,Mr Marhsall said:

“I recall that we had been making love and that Claire was on top of me, facing me.

“She sat up and rose off me, intending to sit back on her bottom, when she seemed to just roll of the bed.”I was expecting her to get up and, when she didn’t, I laughed and said ‘get up’. But she said that she had hurt herself.

“When I got up to look over the end of the bed, she was lying on her side with her arm underneath her.

“She said that she could not feel her arms and legs. I thought she was joking and laughed. She told me again that she had hurt herself and to call an ambulance.”

The 46-year-old claims the super-king was missing two feet, or “gliders” when delivered to her home, creating a hazardous “slope”.

But the company is denying all liability, insisting that the bed was properly assembled, complete with gliders, when supplied to her.

The post Woman paralyzed during sex was sleeping with married man appeared first on Miss Petite Nigeria Blog.

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